BEDAF European Language Portfolio
The council of language experts in British Educational Affairs - BEDAF has developed the BEDAF European Language Portfolio- BEDAF ELP, as means of encouraging linguistic diversity, multicultural identity as well as the mobility accross Europe.
Philosophy of the BEDAF ELP is based on basic principle and the language proficiency descriptors introduced in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages - CEFR. Hence, the BEDAF ELP aims to promote learners' autonomy, self-assessment and cultural diversity. Each section of the BEDAF ELP has been developed purposefully to enable the owners to implement these principles in their language learning process.
In this way, they will be able to record and reflect their linguistic and intercultural attainments and experiences in any language whenever and wherever needed. The BEDAF ELP, as a property of its user, also serves as a practical tool to help the user determine his/her own learning styles as well as set up his/her future learning objectives in a particular language regardless of his/her language learning contacts or locations in a European manner.
How can I use the BEDAF ELP ?
The BEDAF ELP has three components :
The Language Biography is the larger component of the BEDAF ELP, in which there are some other sub sections. In these sub sections, you can reflect your language learning experiences, your intercultural experiences, and reflect your linguistic achievements through “CAN DO” statements for five skills (reading,listening,spoken interaction,spoken production and writing) at six levels (A1, A2, B1, B2, C1 and C2).
The Language Passport is a summary of the Language Biography, in which you can reflect your linguistic skills, intercultural experiences and achievements in any language via grids and tables provided.
The Dossier is the part in which you can keep record of the documents, certificates or any evidences of your linguistic and intercultural attainments and experiences